Quantum Healing and Transformation

How I Became a Past Life Guide and Quantum Healer

Unveiling Your Soul’s Story: A Quantum Healing Journey

Blair Fawcett
10 min readJul 21, 2024


Photo by Vitaly Sacred

I’ve arrived on the shore — a rather sandy shore that I remember as the last point in my poetic journey. Here on this shore is happiness; is the joy, hope and liberation of the mind that now gives me ease and grace. It is within my grasp now, to give to you a vision of my truth. As I am an unrepentant storyteller, the best way I can present you with this gift is through the composition of a story.

I’ve become a quantum healer, past life guide, and Akashic Records reader. No one is more enthused and delighted than myself at this meteoric turn of events.

I find myself hastening to say that by no means was this process easy; the journey from birth to here to now has been filled with many experiences that challenged me and brought my character into sharper focus. Questions arose through this process that were existential in nature, including: who am I? hat is my purpose?

Furthermore, how can I even put into words the processes and procedures, the trials and tribulations, the quandaries and the obstacles that brought me to this place of sure footing and ease?



Blair Fawcett

Novelist, editor, and writer with a BA in English from the University of North Texas. Discover more here: linktr.ee/blairfawcett.writer