Coffee Beans, Trade, & Roasting

Why Should You Care About Your Coffee?

A Treatise About Your Favorite Pandemic Commodity

Blair Fawcett
6 min readJul 2, 2020


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

It’s hard not to get passionate about your cup of java in the morning. Picture your perfect hot cup of coffee. As the steam rises off the ebony fluid and fills your nostrils with its rich depth, the sensation is overwhelming. The journey from the coffee bean’s point of origin to your table is worthy of consideration. The question remains: what are some things that you should know about your coffee beans? For the answer to that question, let’s turn to some real questions and answers.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

How is Coffee Produced?

As a matter of fact, the coffee beans that constitute your cup of coffee take a long journey from their place of origin to your home. Please feel free to review the following list of steps to find out more about this important process.

  • Coffee beans are actually seeds. When coffee seeds are dried, roasted, and ground, they can then be used to brew coffee. When the seed isn’t processed to be imbibed, it can be planted. Eventually, it will grow into a coffee tree.



Blair Fawcett

Novelist, editor, and writer with a BA in English from the University of North Texas. Discover more here: